Thursday, March 27, 2008

So my wife started a 14G BioCube in mid-February. It went through the normal cycle and began the ugly algae phase. So we got a small clean up crew that included 2 rather large halloween hermits. They decimated all signs of hare algae with in 2 days. But there was still that bad brown diatoms and the cyano that occurs in new tanks. Well I've started using Reefers Best Salt in my 370G so the little 1G water changes are now done with this salt. WOW All signs of diatoms or Cyano stopped dead in there tracks. I'm not 100% sure it was the salt or just the fact that I'm not used to such a small tank cycle but the water is crystal clear and looking like a tank that has been running for a year.
We have put 5 Ricordia in the tank now and all are looking amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Jason,

    I just ordered 2 boxes of Reefers Best Salt.

    What's been your experience so far?
    Any suggestions for use?

    I'm moving from 60 to 120. I was going to mix up maybe 20-30 gallons for transfer.

    Do you think that may be too much at once?

