Saturday, March 08, 2008

Boy I'm not a good Blogger.

I've performed the Red bugs treatment with great success. I only did 1 treatment about 3 weeks ago and have seen no sign of any further Red Bugs

I've been fighting coral looses and tissue loss from a while now and racking my brain for why I'm faced with these losses. My first thought was high ALK swing. But I continued after correction to see corals struggle.
Finally I found my answer. My thermometer and heater I use for my water change water where defective. So I was adjusting my SG for water at 86 thinking it was 79.

This has been corrected and the corals are bouncing back.


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Ouch.. gotta hate defective equipment.
    Glad to hear things are tunring around though. :)

  2. Thanks Muck. It's quite amazing the rebound. Some of my corals are better than ever before

